“Heading up through Normandie; saw some war relics. Wanted to spend the night around Calais but since it's 99% British, we're driving back to Brussels instead!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 13"
“More bloody SMS problems, so I dunno when you'll get this. Checked out Île de Ré -- nice French holiday island; no foreigners! Staying in La Roche-sur-Yon..”
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“Having problems calling/SMSing since Wednesday, sorry.. Now spending the night in Bordeaux after seeing Toledo -- we gave up on Madrid (too much of a maze)”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 11"
“Went to Málaga/Merbella (false, British, shit-house), turned around & wound up in Valdepeñas, during a festival. Just got back from fireworks at the carnival!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 10"
“We're in Almería, after going through rural Spain (boring). No news...”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 9"