“Now in Spain; Spent the afternoon and evening in Barcelona (wonderful place, I think), & staying out of town in Granollers. I think Barcelona is really liveable..”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 8"

“We cut through Italy again, down to the coast & through Nice and Cannes (= shit; French versions of Miami). Staying in-land at Brignoles, in an automated hotel!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 7"

“We've cut across Italy, and since Scott was obsessed about it, paid 32€ to use the Mont Blanc tunnel.. Boring. Spending the night in Chamonix, under Mont Blanc..”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 6"

“Had a lazy trip from Werfen to Ljubljana (after a two-hour stop in the middle of traffic). This place is beautiful, but it's just like Melbourne! It's a little odd..”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 5"
“We got into Werfen (in Austria), after passing through Germany briefly, last night. We've since discovered a castle and the world's biggest ice caves, so after a day of hiking up and down a mountain we're staying another night.. Obviously I need new feet now! Off for some food now, and search for WiFi!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 4"

“Went through Germany briefly to get to Werfen, avoiding the sound of music entirely. Will stay here and visit some ice caves tomorrow.”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 3"

“Now in Austria, passed through Switzerland and had lunch in Zürich, which I think is quite beautiful.. Planning on staying in Innsbruck, and practice German!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 2"

“We're in Strasbourg, no need to worry.. Road trip plans are going okay, just very tired.. Just going to bed now.. Talk soon!”
Continue reading "Road-Trip Day 1"