Road-Trip Day 13

“Heading up through Normandie; saw some war relics. Wanted to spend the night around Calais but since it's 99% British, we're driving back to Brussels instead!”
Heading up from La Roche-sur-Yon, we hit Normandie and, as I said in the SMS, checked out some war relics. In particular, around Omaha Beach. What's incredible around here is that there really isn't anything left on the beach itself to remind you of what happened. The beaches here are beautiful, with the occasional chunk of rusty metal hanging out of it.
The discovery of the day was probably Grandcamp-Maisy, in particular a tiny sea-side down that was both cute and untouched by tourists, possibly because it was so difficult to get to.
Continuing north, we eventually hit Calais, where we were struck by familiar memories not so many days ago in Spain, where everything was in English. Same story, however adding insult to injury Calais offered no available accommodation, and a horrible Australian Pub.
We gave up, and drove back through Flanders back to Brussels, arriving sometime around 3am.
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