Road-Trip Day 12

“More bloody SMS problems, so I dunno when you'll get this. Checked out Île de Ré -- nice French holiday island; no foreigners! Staying in La Roche-sur-Yon..”
We drove up from Bordeaux and out of curiosity we cut over the bridge to Île de Ré, a cute island that seems to serve mostly as a holiday destination for the French. We spotted some Belgians photographing the ruins of an old church around the area of Saint Martin (Notre Dame) but otherwise we didn't see any other foreign plates.
The island is very much like what I remember of Blairgowrie as a child, being intentionally undeveloped to maintain the holiday and relaxed feel. I'd love to go back and relax there, if only to reminisce on what my childhood holiday home was all about!
After very casually roaming around there for a day, we reached Saint-Clément-des-Baleines on the western coast of the island. Beneath Phare des Baleines, they have one of the few remaining fishing locks in prime condition. It was quite a find!
Late in the afternoon we continued driving slightly north to find accommodation, which we found on the edge of La Roche-sur-Yon in the form of a cheap motel. The additional bonus was possibly the best pizza I've had in a long time!
The motel was owned by a family, with the mother taking reservations and the son as a chef in the small restaurant we only just arrived at before they closed. I have to say, that guy can make some great pizza. I ended up having something with lots of cheese and ham, of course, but it was all fresh local produce — mmm!
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