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So long, Little Johnny

John Howard, Australia's 25th Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd, Australia's 26th Prime Minister

After eleven years and four terms in office, Australians finally decided today to say goodbye to Mr. Sheen, and replace him with the hopefully more sensible Milky Bar Kid. In fact, it was such a resounding victory for Rudd that Howard may even become the second P.M. in Australian history to completely lose his seat.

Once again this proves that democracy can bring down the destructive “axis of evil” between George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John HowardTwo down, one more to go!

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The great alarm experiment

Phone alarm

I'm having a hell of a time trying to wake up on weekday mornings these days. Oversleeping has become so regular that my boss has even given up on joking about arriving an hour late in the morning.

I rely heavily on my E70 to drag me out of bed in the morning because I have some particular requirements for my alarms. To this end, I decided to revive one of my old distractions and create some new alarms.

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Belgium Cows, as in “The Country”

I’ve been trying to avoid using my holiday time from work so that I can use most of them for my eventual trip to the arse-end of the world at the end of this year, thus keeping as many holiday days for next year as possible. To this effect, I haven’t taken much in the way of time off this year at all.

So hectic was last month, I didn’t really get much time for myself to decompress, and the national holiday of November 1st gave me the perfect excuse to was time to relinquish some holiday time to finally unwind a little.

Fortunately Aline was kind enough to offer an escape by way of her family’s chalet in Chiny, so on Thursday morning we trundled down towards the French border with John for some well-earned time away from everything and anything for four days.

…Or so we thought.

Continue reading "Quietude"