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So, I gave in.

Visions from the past

It was one year ago today since I started a little experiment, and that little experiment has since grown into somewhat of an outlet for my thoughts and frustrations. In fact, through the hundred-odd articles of the past year there's been a fair bit of relentless bitterness unleashed upon the masses.

It's been interesting for me, as someone who's normally an introvert, to start writing about what's going on in my life publicly. It's equally interesting to see how different people perceive the blog as having different intents. Some people take the stance that I'm simply writing here in order to “big-note” myself and pull in readers, however I know personally that's not quite right.

It is true that I have written some articles intended for anyone but myself, such as those related to X++, but for the most-part I'm using this blog as a journal for my own use. The fact that it's public makes me more inclined to write with a higher quality and on a regular basis.

Looking back I can see that my style has changed quite a bit as I've settled into the new surroundings, and I anticipate it will continue to change. Over the next year, I'm hoping to be more opinionated and less reserved; after-all, privacy doesn't exist these days, with or without a blog.


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