So, I gave in.
Congratulations. You won, and I hate you for it, vehemently.
I've tryed to avoid you for so many years now, ignoring the constant requests from family and friends, and refuting accusations from colleagues that my life is incomplete without you, I've finally had to give in.
I guess I'll have to give a concerted effort to try you out. Almost everyone seems to think you will be compatible in my life. Personally, I don't, but then again I've been wrong in the past.
I don't like you, and I generally don't like your kind. You have spread, worldwide, over the last few years like a virus, introducing the global media to a new format - one filled with horrendous spelling and factual mistakes, egocentric backstabbing, and pointless remarks about your owner's pets.
Now, you have reached into the lives such a diverse range of people, from mere plebeians who use you on sites devoted to the masses, to corporate executives who have a team which write entries in multiple languages.
Hey, well, if Wil Wheaton and Google (or is that Bloogle?) can have a blog, then I suppose I can. Even John Howard, George W. Bush and Bill Gates all have blogs. Or maybe not.
I have avoided contact with you when walking the streets of the 'net, and now I have you in my home. I've already started to write entries with links as if it's normal routine.
So, I suppose, I am now a blogger, destined to fill the way back machine with useless rants, as if my entries will somehow benefit future civilisations with unique insight into the way people like myself lives in this time and place.
We shall see how this develops. Knowing me, personal projects last up until the point where I find something more interesting to do, leaving past projects incomplete for the rest of eternity. It's an unfortunate habit, but that's just how I work.
Let the experiment begin..
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