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So long, Little Johnny

John Howard, Australia's 25th Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd, Australia's 26th Prime Minister

After eleven years and four terms in office, Australians finally decided today to say goodbye to Mr. Sheen, and replace him with the hopefully more sensible Milky Bar Kid. In fact, it was such a resounding victory for Rudd that Howard may even become the second P.M. in Australian history to completely lose his seat.

Once again this proves that democracy can bring down the destructive “axis of evil” between George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John HowardTwo down, one more to go!

Mr. Sheen
The Milky Bar Kid

History has shown that a Labor* federal government combined with Liberal state governments seems to work best. I'm hoping that Australian politics starts to go through a period of normalisation as a result of this election, since the last few years have been extremely embarrassing looking upon Australia with a foreign perspective.

Since he's a Banana-Bender, Rudd will be sworn-in and surely take up residence in The Lodge rather than Kirribilli, putting an end to the ridiculous Sydney-centric government leadership that's been prevalent over the past decade.

Now, let's see if Rudd can keep his promises…

The ALP have used the word “Labor” instead of “Labour” since 1912 because they thought it would sound modern. Back then, I suppose Americans weren't hated as much as they are today.


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