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Cirque du Soleil's Delirium

Cirque du Soleil: Delirium - Curtain warmers

This evening I had the privilege of being taken to Delirium, the amazing multimedia spectacular from Cirque du Soleil. Needless to say, I was completely blown away.

This production superbly combines dance, acrobatics, live and pre-produced music, along with live and pre-produced video into an incredible well paced audio-visual feast that couldn't give anyone a chance to get bored.

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Sun Fire X4600

Chocolates courtesy of PFSweb
Chocolates courtesy of PFSweb

Every Christmas, a whole bunch of presents arrive from our various vendors at the office, quite often chocolates, or some chocolate related theme.

I seem to wind up receiving a new toy to play with at the office around this time of the year too: Last year it was the Google Mini 2.0, and this year it's a pair of Sun Fire X4600 servers.

I've always had a penchant for Sun hardware, and while we're normally an HP shop at work, I was able to convince the powers-that-be that these two servers would be ideal to replace our horrible ML350 G4 based SQL server, which was chosen before my time.

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