This evening I had the privilege of being taken to Delirium, the amazing multimedia spectacular from Cirque du Soleil. Needless to say, I was completely blown away.
This production superbly combines dance, acrobatics, live and pre-produced music, along with live and pre-produced video into an incredible well paced audio-visual feast that couldn't give anyone a chance to get bored.
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Continuing the theme of tourism in my home town, my father and I visited Eureka Tower, tallest building in Melbourne, Australia, and the world's tallest residential building (if you disregard spires). This building is 91-stories high, at 297.3 metres, and officially opened on October 11, 2006.
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Every Christmas, a whole bunch of presents arrive from our various vendors at the office, quite often chocolates, or some chocolate related theme.
I seem to wind up receiving a new toy to play with at the office around this time of the year too: Last year it was the Google Mini 2.0, and this year it's a pair of Sun Fire X4600 servers.
I've always had a penchant for Sun hardware, and while we're normally an HP shop at work, I was able to convince the powers-that-be that these two servers would be ideal to replace our horrible ML350 G4 based SQL server, which was chosen before my time.
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All is well in the world of smart-phones since Fring arrived not too long ago. Despite having a logo that looks like it was designed in a few seconds of fierce MS-Paint wiggling, this application is actually becoming pretty useful to me.
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At the office, we recently received a Google Mini. We finally had some time to open the thing and start testing it out. After one week, we're already pretty impressed with the power and flexibility, but there are still some things missing.
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