
Following a successful long weekend last year, we returned to London again for another long weekend of shopping, vegetating, and a little bit of sight-seeing.
Here is a tiny selection of photos from what we got up to. I'm glad I took my DSLR.
Having never been to Tate Modern, it was time for a visit. Some of the work there is stunning. Some of it is pretty horrible.
I don't know art, but I know what I like.
I don't know art, but I know what I like.
Of course, there was a reason to visit. Ai Weiwei (艾未未) has installed his stunning Sunflower Seeds in the Turbine Hall, which is amazing in its logistical complexity and beautiful in its simplicity.
We spotted some Harry Potter fans camping out in Leicester Square. With all the signage and construction around, it was clear that the next movie was going to premier here soon. Who cares, right?
On a whim (well, an ad in a tube station, just like last year) we got tickets to see Bill Bailey perform a very early and experimental version of Dandelion Mind at Wyndham's Theatre. It was brilliant, and for those who bothered to hang around after the show, he came out and did some of his old classic material. It was great!
The following day we headed out to Greenwich to have a look at the observatory (okay, and to get all nerdy around 0° — Mmm-hey). We couldn't have picked a better day for the weather, and got absolutely drenched by the rain while running from the observatory to Greenwich-proper. We didn't expect that there wouldn't be a single place to shelter on the way through the park.
A really wanted to see the Harry Potter premier, so we went, and we waited. We waited in the wind. We waited in the rain. We waited in the cold. We waited to wait. We waited for waiting. Oh, how we waited. I got bored quickly so I started taking some pictures and probably took more than I should have, until such time as A was too cold, at which point we yielded our spot for some teenagers with lightning bolts drawn on their foreheads to go get some food in the warmth. I got some photos that seemed amazingly appropriate for the event though.
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