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Dear Google


Dear Google,

You're annoying me lately.

Stop it.

Not only have you shut down useful services that can't have really taken up much of your resources, such as Google Powermeter and Google Health, you're off gallivanting around like you own the Internet these days. Well, more than you used to, anyway. Some of your ideas are good, but the IETF do know what they're doing. Don't forget what happened when VeriSign decided to do their own thing.

Stop it.

You could have left those websites running, along with the other services you've been culling lately. It's not like you were really supporting them, right? You could run it like Feedburner, where you're essentially letting it rot while you ignore the complaints about the service no longer working. I don't expect you'll ever fix the HTTPS feeds problem, or even acknowledge it.

We both know that even if they were paying you, you wouldn't support them either, just like the Nexus One I bought not even two years ago only to find it's now obsolete due to what can only be a lack of interest from HTC to get the graphics chip working under the newer kernel. That's fine too, I understand, and I hope when Cyanogenmod get Ice Cream Sandwich stable, they can finally fix the problem where audio is not transmitted for the first few seconds of a call, meaning I have to say “Hello” several times until the other end responds.

You were cool once. You were hip, and now you're just corporate. You can be serious without a suit, but you're no longer wearing jeans and t-shirts. You're off fighting your wars with Apple, and coming up with things like Play. Fair enough, you have shareholders to appease, and I'll admit it's not as retarded as slapping the word “new” in front of your latest product.

You're just trying to bring in the numbers and shit on the competition now. You can make money without being evil, and you're starting to be evil now. Your new privacy policy has me concerned, like a lot of people it seems, but at least I opted out of many of your things ages ago (such as advertising demographics).

Stop it.

I'd possibly even be fine with all of this if only it meant that you could at least remember what language I speak. Yes, I live in Belgium. No, I don't speak Dutch. I've told you in my browser settings that I speak English, which should be enough. I've told you in my account preferences for every service possible that I speak English. Why do you keep switching back to Dutch every few weeks? Years of this behaviour has worn me down. Why Dutch? Why not French or German?

Stop it!

I tried to avoid getting tied into your systems, and it even took years for me to ween myself from searching with Yahoo after everyone else around me had dumped them. I still don't care about Plus or even Gmail, but without moving to Google Opt-Out, I don't know how to avoid you anymore.

I'm not sure I like you anymore.


- Simon Butcher

P.S. Your engineers (like your security team), are cool, and your Data Liberation Front is a great idea, but it's time it covered all of your services now.


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