Audit season

Ahh, Easter. A time for many — my nieces included — to eat obnoxious amounts of chocolate (thanks, by the way, Datalogic for providing this year's stash).
For others, it's a time to reflect on a guy who was purportedly nailed to a large cross after throwing one hell of a party with lots of booze, but was later found with a traffic cone, at which point one of his mates (Tom) earned himself a nasty reputation for putting his fingers where they don't belong (although he was probably still hung-over).
Many people just see it as time off work.
For me, it's a bit different.
For me, all it means is that it's audit season, again. Compliance is quite a chunk of my job, with an internal audit, two external audits, a federal audit, and PCI-DSS self-audit.

I've blogged about it in the past (briefly), but I'm so used to it now that once Easter Eggs appear on my desk, I know it's time to start printing!
Fortunately this year I've been able to delegate much of the work to my team — delegating's fun!
I'm sure our external auditors haven't interpreted Sarbox right — printing the security reports and having the IT manager and financial director sign each page is insane, especially considering the evolution of the security profiles.
My industry isn't just killing the planet with server farms…
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