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Jumping off the Atomium

Belgium The Atomium [Copyright © - SABAM 2010 - Simon Butcher]

The Atomium, once a temporary structure left over from the Expo 58 World's Fair and now a Belgian landmark. Standing at ≅100-metres tall, its height is as imposing as its shininess, especially following the recent renovation.

Today I jumped off the thing.

Well, it was a giant flying fox really, set up by Belventura who dramatically call it the Atomium Death Ride. They've done this a few times, but this year is to be the last time they will do it, apparently owing to concerns from the owners of the Atomium.

Atomium Death Ride ticket Empty beer bottles from last night

Last night we had our house warming, slightly late since the move, but we finally managed. The amount of booze we went through isn't well represented here; let alone the amount of mini-pizzas we went through. It was a bit of struggle to get going, but today was the last day to do this!

The queue for the Atomium Death Ride

The queue helped too; after two hours of waiting I was finally given a harness and escorted into the Atomium. We were taken to the top of the structure, and through the kitchen in the new restaurant to climb a ladder into the elevator machine room.

Someone else jumping off the Atomium

From there, a further climb was necessary to emerge on the top, clinging to the flag pole. The view from here is amazing, and fortunately the rain had held off just long enough for me to go ahead. It was a simple matter of hooking onto the line, climbing down and sitting down on the top ball, and sliding off!

It started bucketing down with rain not long after, so I think I was very lucky. I'd love to do it again sometime!

All images in this post including the Atomium are copyright © - SABAM 2010 - Simon Butcher.

Why do I need to put this disclaimer here? Because the family of the architect who designed the Atomium are trigger happy with their lawyers. If I present any image of the Atomium that is larger than 600 pixels, I'm liable to be sued. You can read more about this here. I'm not even allowed to let you see the original pictures because they're too big! This is the most ridiculous copyright limitation I've ever seen, considering these images were taken for non-commercial personal use.

To the Waterkeyn family and SABAM: I've measured; all images of the Atomium here are less than 600 pixels. I don't count the sky, the ground, the trees, or the people around the Atomium as being a part of the Atomium, as this is not explicitly stipulated as being included in your ludicrous copyright.


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