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BelgiumFrance Samsung UE55C6700 unboxing

After a bit of time off work recently (a long weekend to recover from financial year close), I couldn't help myself and caved in and bought a TV. For years I've been saving my money and not really buying anything, but with this whole “global recession” thing not really shifting, it's time to push some money back into the economy. Things are pretty cheap for the time being, too. Well, and the move into a bigger apartment may have had something to do with it.

I like my movies, and we're sitting several metres away from the screen, so after lots of debating I opted for a Samsung UE55C6700 (55" LED “smart-TV” with no 3D junk) which arrived this time last week which will go nicely with the Pioneer VSX-920-K we picked up for dirt-cheap last week. I'm heading back over there to watch some movies on it now, but in the meantime you can enjoy a brief bit of benespection.

Police horses (Sablon)
While heading to an appointment, I spotted a huge stream of police horses.
It amused me that they completely disregarded the traffic lights.
So did the guy on the bike.
Nobody cared.
New tenant
It can keep the bog roll
After moving out from the old apartment, I had to go back to show it to people who would be willing to rent it (since I was breaking my lease).
To my surprise, someone had already moved in.
I let him keep the bog roll.
Broken doors at Charles de Gaulle Airport Hilton
Several months ago, on a trip through Charles de Gaulle Airport we were stuck at the Airport Hilton. After a 45 minute wait for their free shuttle in the freezing cold (having been told by the passing shuttles that they're too busy) we were presented with what would be the first problem of the night.
The front revolving door was out of order.
Service corridors at Charles de Gaulle Airport Hilton
The next problem was that none of the elevators were working.
We had to use the service corridors and the service elevators.
Broken TV welcome at Charles de Gaulle Airport Hilton
Most hotels these days have a nice welcome screen displayed on the TV when you arrive in the room.
We got a Linux boot screen.
To rub it in, it's Red Hat.
I hate Red Hat.
Broken in-flight entertainment
The following day on our flight: more Linux boot screens, and crashed in-flight entertainment systems.
This isn't the first time my seat has crashed on a plane.


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