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Benespection: Doo Town special

Australia Doo Town sign

Visiting Port Arthur in Tasmania? Stop off in Doo Town (Eaglehawk Neck), in part to check out their blowhole. We visited on a whim (and because we were amused by the Navigon's pronunciation of “blaew-hole”), but soon discovered the real reason to visit is probably to see a tiny town with a healthy sense of rivalry and humour…

Sorry for the quality of the photos — they were taking from a moving car, with the wrong lens, and some fairly unpleasant weather, as we were pushed for time.

Rum Doo
Rum Doo
Doo Mee
Doo Mee
Wee Doo
Wee Doo (Very Rarely)
Mal's Dooghouse
Mal's Dooghouse
Doo Us
Doo Us (with Love-Me-Doo in the far background)
Doo Drop Inn
Doo Drop Inn
Thistle Doo Me
Thistle Doo Me
Wattle I Doo
Wattle I Doo
Doodle Doo
Doodle Doo
Dr. Doolittle
Dr. Doolittle
Nickle Doo
Nickle Doo
Doo Town's blowhole
To finish the post, I couldn't leave without showing Doo Town's blowhole, which despite it being a bit of a blustery day it wasn't quite “performing” for us.


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