Christmas and so forth

Christmas is very fast approaching, and Brussels is becoming decidedly cold again. It's that time of the year when most people in the office are mentally on holidays, whilst still being physically present, so trying to get things done tends to grind along at snail's pace.
If you think you're cold, we've recently had the windows replaced at the office. Late-Autumn/Early-Winter is clearly not the first choice when deciding on when to replace office windows, and I can tell you: it's pretty cold for those who just sit at their desk most of the day. Brrrr!

It's not all that bad, though. The building management company (Cofinimmo) have decided to drop a little something for Saint Nicholas on our desks as “compensation”.
Free chocolate is good chocolate!

As with every year, several suppliers at work hand out lots of goodies, but none take care of us like PFSweb, who sent us a mountain of chocolate from Pierre Marcolini.
Free Pierre Marcolini chocolate is great chocolate!
Now if you'll excuse me; I have chocolate to eat and holidays to think about…
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