
Things have been pretty busy, and despite these benespection posts taking a little time to prepare it's easier than summoning the effort to start ranting about things. Here are a handful of things “benespected” (am I taking that too far now?) over the last few months.
These are some very hungry caterpillars.
I pass this tree almost every day during the week on the way to lunch. The day before this photo was taken the tree only had a few little white fluffy bits on it, like someone had attacked it with some fake spider-web, and I thought nothing of it. The day after though, the tree barely had any leaves left and was completely engulfed in by hundreds of these little buggers. Oddly, the neighbouring trees remained untouched.
I pass this tree almost every day during the week on the way to lunch. The day before this photo was taken the tree only had a few little white fluffy bits on it, like someone had attacked it with some fake spider-web, and I thought nothing of it. The day after though, the tree barely had any leaves left and was completely engulfed in by hundreds of these little buggers. Oddly, the neighbouring trees remained untouched.
The City of Brussels set up a giant picnic table spanning about 1km down Rue du Midi, Avenue Stalingrad and parts of Rue du Lombard. The idea was that people would bring their own food to share with their neighbours, and in parts it was successful, however not successful enough to fill an entire kilometre. It's a great idea, though.
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