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Work has been hell since returning from holidays, and it looks like it's only going to get worse. I hope you enjoyed the tiny selection of photos taken while there enjoying the sun and the relaxation.

I have hundreds of photos to sift through now, but I think I presented the most interesting photo of each day.

I don't have much to post lately. Sorry folks.

Winter ice cream
I'm told that for some ice cream it's better to consume it during winter, but I really don't see it. These boards appeared just after a nice cold snap.
Moto Extreme Action Man Tampons?
Moto Extreme Action Man Tampons?
I think shelf-stackers need to be careful when they restock shelves.
Extreme signage at Brussels Airport
They don't mess around at Brussels Airport. If you still don't understand which direction to take, then you'll have to face the grumpy airport staff.
Closed for repairs
Discovered at the Madrid-Barajas Airport (and possibly the best thing about that airport, frankly). I've never seen a bin roped-off before just because it was out of order!
I used it anyway.
Security reports
Finally, this year's security report print run to keep the auditors happy.
Who said the IT industry was destroying the planet?


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