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Christmas is nearly over, finally

Chocolates from PFSweb

It's Christmas time again. It comes around every year, and for some reason this year I really couldn't care less. I don't think I'm becoming a scrooge, but rather I think it has something to do with the fact that Christmas started four months ago and I'm sick of hearing about it.

But never fear: for in a few day's time Valentine's Day promotions will start, and before too long Easter will rear its ugly head — all obscenely ahead of schedule.

Chocolate Truffles from Honeywell Batteries

Unlike last year, or the year before, my boss has neglected to give me some big geek toy this year, so I've had to settle with the annual chocolates from our vendors. So, thank you to PFSweb and Honeywell Batteries for the lovely chocolates — They were much appreciated by all of us in the IT department!

Beyond that: Despite not completing many of my personal projects for this year, let's hurry up and bring on the new year as it'll rid me of bloody Christmas for another eight months.


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