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If you're a regular reader, you've probably noticed that I've had a terrible time lately trying to update the blog. Things have been ridiculously busy for me lately, to the point where my spare time has completely evaporated.

I am trying to change the situation, but until then posts might be a little later than usual. That doesn't mean that I still haven't seen some odd stuff around the place, so it's time for me to use my invented word again; it's time for another (tiny) dose of benespection.

Crap Wine, Crap Beer
Courtesy of a shopper behind me at the supermarket, I have finally found a visual-aide for all those Australians who are under the misconception Stella-Artois is a great beer.
Curious Dog
While stopping for a coffee, this dog was spotted surveying his territory. The little mutt actually stayed like that for at least twenty-minutes!
Angry vegetables
In many areas of the world, smart small business owners are realising that their property won't be tagged if a local graffiti artist has decorated it. This is either a very cool example, or the guy really does sell some pretty angry looking fruit & veg'.
Giant Witch's Hat
Giant Witch's Hat
Amusingly, the square where this giant witch's-hat is located has constantly been under construction since I arrived in Brussels more than four years ago. Now that the cone has been erected, it seems further construction will be done here shortly. Maybe politicians do have a sense of humour? Either way, it serves as a reminder that I need to upgrade my copy of VLC


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