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Belgium Ommegang 2008 caught me off guard

Earlier this month, I came across Ommegang as I was heading home one evening. This has now become an annual event here in Brussels, and I had heard rumours of its existence.

Essentially it's a medieval festival, with many re-enactments. The event also has daily jousting on the Sablon! On this particular evening I decided to follow the parade on it way through the city as I walked home.

At the rear of the parade was free beer, courtesy of Charles Quint, and very nice beer it was, indeed!

The parade on Rue du Marche aux Herbes
The parade on Rue du Marche aux Herbes
The main show on the Grand Place
The main show on the Grand Place was too busy for me to get a good look, but you can pay to sit in a stand to see the events.
Horse and carriage on Rue de la Tete d'Or
Horse and carriage on Rue de la Tête d'Or
Medieval band on Rue du Midi
Medieval band on Rue du Midi
Flag bearers on Rue du Midi
Flag bearers on Rue du Midi
These guys again, on Rue du Midi
These guys caught up to me on Rue du Midi
The parade continues on Rue du Lombard…
The parade continues on Rue du Lombard
Towns people on Rue du Lombard
Towns people on Rue du Lombard, looking a little unhappy.
The beer wagon
The beer wagon, complete with wenches serving free beer!
The real end of the parade!
As usual with any parade in Brussels, it is followed by the garbage crew so closely that they are effectively part of the parade.


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