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Road-Trip 2008: Day 8

BelgiumFranceLuxembourg Driving on the A40

With the car ready to go, and us not really willing to actually pay for the hotel room, we spent our last morning in Chamonix and decided to continue driving north.

This was my last chance to exploit the sales in the area, so after one last coffee I headed over to the Aigle shop to pick up a heavily discounted winter jacket that should come in handy in a few months' time.

We picked up the car from Peugeot in Combloux and ventured onto the A40. The A40 is another one of these amazing pieces of engineering, but after seeing the Millau Viaduct only days earlier, the Nantua Viaduct looks utterly pathetic in comparison!

We decided to continue driving all the way back to Belgium, stopping off for a few days at Aline's family's chalet in the Ardennes.

Disgusting waste of packaging — individually wrapped apples

We stopped for a horrible Quick lunch on the A6 near Saint-Albain where I snapped this photo. Packaging like this revolts me, and having individually wrapped apples like this makes me wonder how people could possibly be surprised that we're destroying our planet so rapidly. At 1.30€ each, you'd have to be desperate for an apple.

After a brief detour through Luxembourg, we got into Florenville just in time to pick up some nice pizzas from Le Relais des Oliviers. Yum!


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