Road-Trip 2008: Day 7

Still in Chamonix today, and I've been deliberating whether or not I want to go paragliding at a nearby paragliding school since we arrived. Chamonix in the summer also offers hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing… and an adventure park!
Chamonix has a lot to offer, but when you're not sure if you're leaving today, or tomorrow, or in a few days' time, it's very difficult to plan what you want to do. Given the price and the timing, I sadly dropped the paragliding idea and we went for the very adult decision of going to Les Planards adventure park!
After a quick visit to buy some dirt cheap Lafuma hiking shoes that were on sale, we were ready to visit whatever awaited us. We didn't know very much, other than the park is walking distance from the centre of Chamonix, and it involves lots of ropes and trees.
So it may not have been the most mature decision, but the adventure course was a hell of a lot of fun and I would recommend it for a good laugh!

The storm eventually passed over us and didn't really make too much of a fuss except for a few grumbles, but it did wind up heading into Switzerland and Austria, interrupting television coverage of the Euro 2008.
We didn't really notice though, as tonight was Raclette night! We headed off to Le Sanjon — a nice restaurant with traditional wood-fired Raclette grills. Yum!
It would appear tomorrow would be our last day in Chamonix, as the car should be ready by tomorrow morning.
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