Road-Trip 2008: Day 6

France Place du Mont Blanc, Chamonix

We awoke in our free hotel room to spend a day roaming the touristy yet placid and beautiful town of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, wedged in the heart of Chamonix Valley between Mont Blanc, Le Brévent and Aiguilles Rouges.

With last night's tartiflette digested, the day was spent generally vegetating around the town while we waited for news on the car that broke down yesterday. We returned to the tourist information office to exploit their free Wi-Fi and did a little bit of shopping.

Place de l'Eglise, Chamonix
Place de l'Eglise, from the tourist office
Avenue Michel Croz, Chamonix
View of Aiguilles Rouges above Avenue Michel Croz from the train station (SNCF)
View of Mont Blanc down Rue Joseph Vallot
View of Mont Blanc down Rue Joseph Vallot
Place Balmat, Chamonix
Mont Blanc looming above Place Balmat


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