Road-Trip 2008: Day 3

After a long sleep-in, we awoke to a boiling hot day in Aigua Blava. Since we could see Wedding HQ from our rear terrace, we noticed things were a little bit hectic over there. This isn't really surprising, considering Cath & Max were to be wed today!
We decided to head into Begur for some lunch, but indecision kept us from choosing a place to sit down for lunch…
We eventually agreed to have pizza, of all things, in Sa Riera (even though we were actually staying above a very nice looking pizza place), however pizza was off the menu. Finally, we went into a supermarket and grabbed some stuff for sandwiches and headed back to the apartment on top of the pizzeria.
It was not long after we returned that we realised we only had an hour to have lunch, get ready, and head off to the church. After scoffing down lunch, I discovered that Massimo Dutti had completely screwed up the lining of my suit when they tailored it, making it impossible to wear. Of course, that's my fault for not checking before leaving Brussels, but just quietly it really wasn't such a bad thing considering how hot it was!
We headed over to nearby Pals to attend the wedding in the beautiful church of Sant Pere within the heart of the Gothic Quarter. The wedding itself was very traditional, and wonderfully organised.
We headed back to the pizzeria for a short rest before joining the rest of the wedding party at the Aigua Blava Parador for the reception.

Reception consisted of an excellent three-course outdoor dinner overlooking the Aigua Blava beach as the sun was setting, complete with kids letting off fireworks illegally on the beach, and the hotel management trying to keep the DJ from making too much noise!

Cath herself is an events organiser by profession, running her own company called Ta Bas Co, and the entire event is a shining example of what she and her team can accomplish on a tight budget. If you're based in Belgium and looking for a company to organise your next event, give the girls a call!
Max, on the other hand, goes around the place starting businesses and eventually he'll have more money than google.
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