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With my birthday coming up in a few days, I've been struggling to find some time for myself. I keep inventing projects for myself, but never actually have the time to dig into them and make any satisfying progress.

One example is that I still haven't made any progress on my appalling level of French, and there's no hope in hell that I'll be running in the 20km of Brussels half-marathon this year.

I suppose I need to keep in mind what Ferris Bueller once said, “Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Comic book Christmas tree
I thought a Christmas tree covered in comic books was an interesting idea…
Headache excuse?
Heading back from Australia, I spotted an interesting choice on a condom vending machine at Heathrow
Height restriction
We have one of those height restriction bars stopping people from driving heavy trucks into our rear car-park at the office. Apparently this concept isn't well known to some people. These guys slammed into this bar, rendering it useless, but instead of telling anyone they precariously propped it back upright and drove off. It fell over again within a few minutes. They're still denying it ever happened, despite this photo.
Late night smash
Speaking of bad drivers, the red mini ploughed straight into an entrance to the Rogier pre-metro station, ignoring a red light, missing a few pedestrians, and just scraping cab. These muppets were offered help by the cab driver, and subsequently hurled abuse at him for driving dangerously. Morons.
Boa M6 metro
Sitting at the back of one of the new metros made me remember having to deal with one-point perspective during graphics design lessons at school (as painful as it was)…
Turkish Tarts
The Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism have recently started a new tourism campaign at, and have somehow concluded that this is one of the best images they could come up with to encourage people to visit their country‽


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