Walibi's back!

Rollercoaster Season has once again rolled around as marked by the opening of the Walibi season for 2008 this weekend. As with last year, an early glimpse into what's changed within the park — or what's not working yet — is somewhat necessary.
This season opener didn't highlight anything spectacular to report, except that the Vertigo was once again being tested and wasn't taking passengers. There was once unique aspect of this visit though: It was snowing!

Visiting the park while it's snowing puts the park out of context. I've been there during the day, and at night, during beating sun and pouring rain, but you would never expect it to be snowing just as spring starts! I can't imagine it was a great day for the Walibi staff though, as even the waffle guy was complaining about being freezing cold.

The park itself hasn't changed much since last season, with the most notable change being a repaint of the Cobra. It's odd that they didn't bother painting the Turbine as it's overdue for a face lift, but at least it's still operating!
Ahh, Walibi at the start of the season is bliss without the hordes!
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