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Flying home

AustraliaBelgium Mountain view from Hong Kong airport

I'm flying home today, surrendering the fantastically warm and sunny weather here in Melbourne and returning to the gloomy, miserable, cold weather in Brussels.

This also means psyching myself up to return to the office: Urgh.

Sadly I missed out on seeing a few of my friends, but maybe you lot can come over to Brussels at some stage!

So long Melbourne; I'll be back!

Update: Now in Hong Kong, and spent half the flight having the most interesting and entertaining conversation about philosophy, psychology, technology, and ecology with the Rabbi sitting next to me. It just goes to show that not everyone you sit next to on long-haul flights are dull and boring!

Qantas have told me that "Brussels Airlines" doesn't exist as a valid airline in their so-called "global" system, so I couldn't get a boarding pass from London to Brussels yet. Having said that, my luggage is checked in all the way to Brussels?!

I now also realise that typing HTML on my Nokia E70 is a pain in the thumb.


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