Christmas in Melbourne

For me, a real Christmas is one spent in nice warm weather in a relaxed atmosphere. The word cold should be applied only to the food and drink, and not the weather; Snow should never enter the equation, unless it's fake.
In quite an atmospheric contrast to last year's Christmas in Bristol with friends, my Christmas this year has been spent baking in the Australian sun. Oddly, this year could have possibly been the most relaxing family Christmas on record, being a simple barbecue over at my sister's house.
Uncle Simon gave his nieces (of 8 and 9 years old) a Nintendo Wii, although unfortunately because of stocking problems their second Wiimote with Wii Play has not yet arrived. This means they're stuck with one controller and Wii Sports.
The Wii is to eventually compliment their existing Nintendo DSs as future games will take advantage of these two fantastic game systems. Needless to say, the two girls are chuffed!
Given the friendly and collaborative nature of the Wii, everyone was roped into playing a few games, in particular bowling, including their Granny and Pa (my parents). Unbelievably, a game of bowling was won by my mother, who spent most of the game releasing the ball backwards! I guess the marketing hype is true if even Granny can play (and win).
Toilet humour could not possibly be avoided with my nieces. Neve — my eldest niece — has already suggested throwing a “Wii Party” to which Millie — my other niece — replied: “But you can have a wee party on the toilet, Neve!”
All-in-all it was a nice and relaxing day worth doing again.
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