Thursday, December 13. 2007A day in the life…At the risk of seeming a bit like Seven Up!, I thought I'd have another crack at this day in the life stuff. After last year's effort, I was curious to see what had changed. Apparently, not much! ![]() Time: 06:18 Since I've been cycling lately, the first thing I do is check to see what it looks like outside. Today it's dark and a little bit foggy, but otherwise dry. Looks like a good day to cycle to work. If it wasn't, I would have been heading back to bed! ![]() Time: 06:18 Without my morning shower, I am nothing. If I don't have my morning shower, I'm dead for the entire day. I can't quite explain why. ![]() Time: 07:00 A quick check of the bike and it's time to head off to work. I like cycling in the dark this early in the morning because it's fairly quiet on the roads. ![]() Time: 07:32 To get an idea of how foggy it is, I here's a shot of the Place Schuman area, but it doesn't do it justice. ![]() Time: 07:35 You can probably get a better idea by looking at this shot of the Cinquantenaire Arch taken as I was passing by. ![]() Time: 08:13 After getting changed and a quick chat with the few people who are in the office at this time in the morning, I finally reach my desk. Emailing and coding begins! This week I'm wrapping up a (very) rushed yet overdue project so the majority of the day is to be spent fixing other people's work to safe time. ![]() Time: 10:06 Toys arrive from a supplier, more than a month overdue from their expected delivery date and missing parts. The packaging confirms they only shipped it a few days ago. This is a sign that I'll be working a little later tonight. ![]() Time: 19:06 Still at work: Had to mount a 27kg server in a rack with its partial rack-mount kit (that arrived this morning). ![]() Time: 19:54 Yes, still at work, but just leaving: My bike looks like it's survived another day in the car park so it's time to go home. ![]() Time: 20:11 It's cold, dark, misty, and polluted outside. Even though I'm pretty tired, I'm taking a slightly longer route home tonight. ![]() Time: 20:41 For some reason I received my pension slip in the post and it's torn in two. I have no idea where the other part is! I hate having to deal with stuff like this. ![]() Time: 20:57 I also haven't done a load of washing for a while, so it's time to turn that on before it gets too late in the evening. ![]() Time: 21:44 It took me an hour to wash the dishes? Well, to be fair, I was watching a DVD at the same time. I didn't realise I was so slow. ![]() Time: 21:48 Not feeling very hungry at all, I head back to sit down and continue watching the DVD rather than cooking dinner. If you can guess what I'm watching, I'll be impressed! ![]() Time: 22:32 The washing machine is done, so it's time to start putting clothes around the apartment to dry. Trackbacks
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