Christmas lights in Brussels

Belgium The town hall on the Grand Place

I couldn't possibly have a Christmas without my Mother asking for pictures of Christmas lights in Brussels. Not much has changed since last year, although this year's lights on the Grand Place are even more tacky

Grand Place: Christmas tree
This year the tree is fairly sombre and wonky, with coloured lights vaguely coming down the
Grand Place: Town Hall
During the light and sound show, the Town Hall was lit up in a variety of colours, including this scheme that looks like something out of a Disney cartoon!
Grand Place: Town Hall
Looking up the spire, you might imagine a Mickey Mouse appearing as a gargoyle at the top of the centre turret!
Grand Place: Town Hall
Most of the lighting of the Town Hall looked fairly cheap, though.
Ice Skating on Quai aux Briques
Meanwhile on Quai aux Briques, it's business as usual again this year, albeit with a much more tasteful tree!

Thanks Al for help with the photos.


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