
He was once a little green slab of clay. Chumby!
You should see what Chumby can do today. Chumby!
He can walk into any book, with his pony pal Pokey, too.
If you've got a heart then Chumby's a part of you.
In the wee hours of the morning, I was privileged to receive an invitation to purchase a Chumby — not a Gumby — through their “Chumby Insider” product launch. Needless to say, I was excited!
Alas, it wasn't meant to be…
Chumby is, at heart, probably the most “hackable” consumer electronics product, with everything from the PCB schematics to the fabric casing's pattern being open through an “open-source” style ideology. Simply put: the software, hardware, and the casing itself are highly customisable on so many levels it's incredible.
Many describe Chumby as an “Internet connected clock-radio,” however that description is unfortunately lacking. The device features a colour touch-screen for displaying information and interacting with the software, you can also interact by squeezing the device or simply moving it. Chumby is not another Nabaztag clone, despite including speakers and a wireless-based Internet connection.
From the outside, I've followed the publicised news of Chumby's development since bunnie — who has a very irritating lower case proper noun for a name — started dropping tidbits of information last year. The development progress has been somewhat public, similar to the blogging of the Optimus Maximus keyboard project (that is amazingly still as-yet unfinished — ahem).
The reason why I've been so interested in having one of these things is because I love hacking code that works with hardware on a close level. I enjoy breaking into consumer devices with operating systems and mucking around with how they tick — although I haven't had a chance to do much of that lately. Indeed, this is the same reason why I bought a Linksys WRT54G router, despite the standard software being miserably poor.
Unfortunately for me, Chumby has only received FCC approval and therefore cannot be sold outside of the USA for now because it contains a wireless device. After being so lucky to receive a golden ticket, I can't actually use it!
Rationality has begun to mask my disappointment in missing out on a new toy, and perhaps I should wait for a future revision anyway.
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