
Death seems to be a common theme lately. I seem to know or at least know of several people who are currently going through their grieving process right now, as if it's some sort of organised or seasonal event. Indeed, death has come to my family, with distant relative Geoff Echberg, who could be considered my Great Uncle, passing away last Saturday at the age of 92.
Geoff was a little potty in his final years — literally — as he turned into some kind of crazy botanist. He could possibly be likened to the elderly mechanic who “fixed” George's John Voight car in that Seinfeld episode. The stories of him taking care of other people's gardens without asking seem endless, and some bizarre quotes will probably still surface for many years to come.
Entertainingly, Geoff would often be the antagonist at the silver-service Christmas lunches at my Aunt's place as he would decide to take care of her garden too — a garden that is already carefully sculptured and polished to perfection for the arrival of the rellies.
So long Geoff, and I hope you grabbed yourself some Aggies on the way.
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