Beer and brain damage

I'm a proud brother today after my sister wound up appearing on various national news programs in Australia doing a press conference for ARBIAS. I managed to catch the story on the SBS World News Australia snippets released online, which even features a cameo from my Dad (a.k.a. Rent-A-Crowd).
It seems that around two-million Australians (about 10% of the country's population) are hitting the booze a little too hard. I'm starting to understand where the stereotypes of Australians being strongly associated with beer come from (other than Foster's ads, if you can call that beer). Consequently, ARBIAS has launched a new awareness compaign called “Hangover For Life”. In fact, the whole revelation is causing a bit of a stir at the moment. Watch the video for more information.

This footage is Copyright © 2007 Special Broadcasting Services, World News Australia.
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