Tuesday, May 8. 2007QR CodePeople who know me here in Brussels will roll their eyes at this article, possibly within reason. Yes, this is a blog entry about a bloody barcode. Yes, I work for a company that works in the AIDC industry. No, however, this wasn't inevitable, and I knew about it a long time ago but tried to avoid fashion: I'm not a fashionable guy, to say the least. As requested by Scott (of Smile in Europe fame), I'm going to temporarily join the Japanese mobile phone fad of adding a QR Code 2D barcode to my blog. There is no way in hell, though, that I'm having it tattooed to my skin! This isn't the first time I've gone and put a barcode on my blog. Last year, I went off and got myself an IBSN. Yes, more barcodes. Invented in 1994 by Denso-Wave, QR Code itself isn't that spectacular technologically since it was originally invented for labelling automotive parts, but the way it's being used today is interesting. Changing camera phones into a cheap imaging scanner using software alone is something that's been done in the AIDC industry for a while. Using it to collect information such as URL's is useful when you're stuck with a phone that's difficult to input data into. If you want your own QR Code, Scott pointed me to Kaywa's free online generator for non-commercial use. What ever happened to the competing URL-on-a-barcode standard, Semacode? Trackbacks
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