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GeSHi and X++

On Monday, Mr. Brewer mentioned something about my Axapta posts looking messy and that they could probably benefit from a little thing called GeSHi. Having never heard of this before, I set out and asked the oracle what this was.

After finding this funky little toy, I set my heart on writing a tiny plug-in for Serendipity, but David Rolston beat me to it.

The only problem I had is that my posts use X++. While X++ borrows heavily from C++ and Java (and recently C#), most of the keywords (especially the SQL syntax) are quite unique. Today, GeSHi only comes close by supporting C++ and Java, but they don't quite do the job. Besides, Axapta programmers have become accustomed to the minimalist style of the Axapta IDE!

I couldn't help myself, and I knocked up a tiny addition for the 1.0.x version of GeSHi which should cover Axapta 3.0 and Dynamics Ax 4.0 comfortably. Granted, it still needs a bit more work, but it'd still be nice if it becomes a part of the GeSHi package. Before then though, you can just pop my xpp.php code in your geshi subdirectory and reference it as xpp. You can download my code here.

Now I need to go back and clean up my old posts...


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