IMDb addiction

IMDb LogoHi, my name is Simon, and I'm an IMDb addict.

Welcome, Simon.

No, not that IMDB, this IMDb! I've been hooked on this site since late 1994, however I used to skim over stuff on their old newsgroup haunt around 1991/1992. Today, IMDb is more than just alive and well, with yet another revision to their site's design being unveiled today - not bad guys!

The problem with IMDb is that it's become addictive. Eventually, during 1998, I took the plunge and started voting on IMDb for movies. Last year, this was extended to voting for television episodes. Now I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of voting for new films and television episodes I see at my earliest convenience. I'm now one of the hundreds of thousands of silent film and television critics, buzzing away.

It's sad, I've already surmounted more than 2500 individual votes within my own IMDb vote history. This isn't much compared to others out there, but I'm happy knowing that my votes are being counted since I'm an active voter. Looking at that list reminds me how much time I've wasted on rubbish films.

It doesn't stop there; I've also contributed a heap of stuff IMDb has been looking for in their research requests, especially fixing filming location details within the location tree.

Here I am once more promoting IMDb, a site I visit at least once a week. If you know me in person, you know I've tried (often successfully) to get you hooked on it too. All part of my evil plan, don't you worry!


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