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Road-Trip 2008: Day 10

Belgium Table with a view

One last day in the Ardennes before heading back to reality — that is to say, home and ultimately work.

So it hasn't been so much of a road-trip, with two long stop-overs in picturesque locations, but at least it's been a holiday!

Preparing the fire for the barbecue

We planned to have a real barbecue tonight, so we headed out and did a little bit of shopping for some meat and, being Belgium, some fries! I started to prepare the wood for the fire near the chalet.

Paper wasp nest in the roof

With no sign of the paper wasps, I decided to head up into the roof to have a look at the nests and see how many there really were. There was no activity up there at all, so yesterday's Baygon treatment worked wonders.

Their nests are pretty impressive, since they collect wood fibres and glue them together to form layers of paper around a central core of cells. In total, there were about six recent nests in the roof, some of them relatively new with probably only 8-12 cells inside.

Small barbecue fire Mmm — Barbecue!


Back in Brussels though, not much has changed. Except of course a restaurant right around the corner from my apartment, which had barely opened, had a bit of a fire! Local rumours seem to indicate there was a bit of insurance fraud involved, but who knows.


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